Thursday, September 26, 2013

Photographic Essay: Mom's Induction Into the Servites

So, two weekends ago, on Saturday September 14th, my Mom was inducted into the Secular Order of the Servants of Mary, the Lay Order of the Servites. The Servites, for those of you not quite up to snuff in things Catholic, are one of the five original great medieval mendicant (begging) orders, being the least famous of the five..

Those orders (in order of foundation, just to give some historical context, a sense of the momentousness of the occasion) :

1.) the Carmelites (whose monks according to legend first collected upon Mount Carmel in the Holy Land in the aftermath of Elijah's famous theophany there circa 970 B.C. , but who were ultimately expelled from Carmel in the aftermath of the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land in the 7th Century, whence these immigrants eventually came to establish monasteries throughout Europe, where they were canonically organized between 1206-1214) and, 

2.) the Franciscans who were founded in 1209 and then 

3.) my very own Dominicans, who were founded in 1215, and then,

 - drumroll -

4.) the Servites who were founded in 1233, followed only by the 

5.) poor benighted Augustinians in 1244, whose unfortunate lot it was and shall ever be to claim Martin Luther, the Ur-Protestant, as one of their own (but whose rule, that of Saint Augustine, upon which they are founded, is however even older than that of Saint Benedict himself..

The only reason the Servites are not as celebrated as the other four original 13th century mendicant orders is perhaps due to the fact that they were founded by seven co-founders, the most famous of whom is Saint Peregrine, who while being a very worthy fellow, is not quite as charismatically famous as Saints Francis, Dominic, Augustine, or the prophet Elijah (not mentioning other luminaries of Carmel  such as SS. Theresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux - whom I am now making a novena to, and will be visiting again upon her feast day this coming week - or John of the Cross, etc., etc..)

The Servites, though, are unique amongst the five in that their name includes that of our Blessed Mother.  They are formally known as the "Ordo Servorum Beatae Mariae Virginis," hence the "Servites."  The Franciscans, Dominicans (who gave us the rosary!) and Carmelites (of our Lady of Mount Carmel) all of course have particular devotion to her. But only the Servites are named directly after her.

I now belatedly give you, my beloved readership, some few images I took that morning.  When my Mom, Donna O.S.M. (as she is now able to style herself; Donna, who besides being named after her father, Donald, is also named after our Blessed Mother, donna being "lady" in Italian, you know?) took the scapular (that blue and red rectangular piece of cloth she has on there) of the Order.

Without any further extraneous commentary, those of you who know may perhaps appreciate these following:


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Song of the Day: John Hiatt, Welfare Music

This one's for Cousin Kristi & Uncle Bill,

And the f'n ucking United Sates (thus) Congress.

Las Letras:

She quit school when she was seventeen
Senator on TV calls her welfare queen
Used to be daddy's little girl
Now she needs help in this mean ol' world

Buys cassette tapes in the bargain bin
Loves Carlene Carter and Loretta Lynn
Tries to have fun on a Saturday night
Sunday mornin' don't shine too bright

It's that welfare music
Watch the baby dance to the welfare music
Will she ever stand a chance?

Takes two to make three but one ain't here
Still chasin' women and drinkin' beer
Says nobody understands how it feels
But that don't pay them monthly bills

Angry fat man on the radio
Wants to keep his taxes way down low
Says there oughta be a law
Angriest man you ever saw

Welfare music
Watch the baby dance to the welfare music
Will she ever stand a chance?

Baby dance circles on the floor
Round and round just like before
Baby fall down, baby get up
Baby needs a drink from a lovin' cup

And it's welfare music
Watch the baby dance to the welfare music
Will she ever stand a chance?

Welfare music
Watch the baby dance to the welfare music
Will she ever stand a chance?


Friday, September 20, 2013

Just Merely to Triple Double Dog Emphasize the Essential Point of My Prior Post:

Each one of us is invited to recognize in the fragile human being the face of the Lord, who, in his human flesh, experienced the indifference and loneliness to which we often condemn the poorest, either in the developing nations, or in the developed societies. Each child who is unborn, but is unjustly condemned to be aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who, even before he was born, and then as soon as he was born, experienced the rejection of the world. And also each old person and - I spoke of the child, let us also speak of the elderly, another point! And each old person, even if infirm or at the end of his days, bears the face of Christ. They cannot be discarded, as the "culture of waste" proposes! They cannot be discarded!

- Pope Francis, Colloquy with Catholic gynecologists, September 20, 2013.

Translated from the Italian here.


Upon the Recent Hubba- Ballooo Over All Pope Francis's "Scandalous" Comments About Erotic Sin, etc. [revised]

[Written in response to all the crap like this in the media, in reaction to interviews like this, these days.]

On the hierarchy of needs sexual pleasure falls well behind prayer, love, friendship, clean air, good food, clean water, sleep, good sanitation, shelter, medical care and education. The West's current obsession with it is merely a sign of its decadence and spiritual bankruptcy. The pope is talking to us like babies- yes, you can masturbate and we will still love you. God still loves you when you wack off into someone's mouth or anus. That this is taken as big news here is hilarious.

I mean, the operative question here is - now and forever shall be - not whether God and his Church loves each of us, it's whether or not we love God and his Church. It's whether or not we love the Truth (who is a person) and one another..

The pope is a Jesuit and a Catholic priest.  The things he has been saying about sodomy are not new. It's called moral casuistry, a.k.a. Catholic moral theology. See MolinaEscobar and SuarezJohn the Baptist,  John Vianney and Padre Pio. See in the Bible where it says "judge not lest you be judged" and "take the beam out of your own eye before you condemn your brother for the speck in his" and then again "love your enemy" and then "he loved me while I was still in sin, I, the foremost of sinners."

Love the sinner, not the sin. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Justice (being merely the consummation of mercy) is mine, says the LORD.

The pope cannot and will not declare sodomy sex, because it is not sex. That's just biological fact. And it isn't just those with same sex attraction who commit it. He cannot tell us the earth is the center of the universe in any other sense than it happens to be the center of our universe. The Roman inquisition once got itself balled up on that point, hewing incorrectly to Aristotelean and Ptolemaic scientific consensus, and the world has never let us forget it, has it?

So, this pope is saying nothing new. He isn't going to endorse the sexual revolution by abandoning Catholic anthropology. And sin is still sin - love of money, hatred of the immigrant amongst us, denial the worker of his just wage, the murder of innocents and (yes) sodomy are still - and shall forever be - sins that cry to heaven for vengeance.  These are also sins that we, the people of the de-Christianizing West, commit with abandon.

The pope is waiting for us to confess, reminding many of us who call ourselves Christian that pride, perjury, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth, avarice, murder, *as well as* hatred of the poor and sinful, are just as sinful as lust & sexual decadence is. If not more so..
