Monday, April 14, 2014

Lakshmi the Friendly Temple Mascott

Outside the temple of Ganesh (the elephant headed hindu god) in Ponducherry - the former French colony about four hours south of Chennai by bus - they keep this female elephant named Lakshmi - (like Lakshmi Singh for any you devotees of NPR) -  who is named after the consort of Vishnu, Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity. 

Hinduism - which I may hold forth on here at some point - is somehow both deeply off-putting, even revolting to me, while also sometimes weirdly playful and funny.  Lakshmi just stands outside of the temple entrance, and is fed grass by the worshippers and other passers by.  If you stand close enough, and bow your head, she reaches out and touches - "blesses" - you with her trunk. Cute, and hilarious. 

I have scruples about being blessed by an elephant, and was a little wary of her: if you notice she is completely unrestrained, and while maybe smallish for an elephant, is still pretty dang big when you are standing next to her. She was very placid both nights I saw her (notice how her head painting changes in the last photo here, it's from the second night) and never moved from her station by the temple door. Still, I felt too much respect to get too close.

Notice too how she is adorned with the Magen David.  There are interesting symbolic tropes in Hinduism, ones that are pretty intriguing. I'll talk here about that topic later.  

Tonight, I'll just give you a brief visual essay of the life and times of Lakshmi, the sacerdotal pachyderm: 


Friday, April 11, 2014

Photo Montage Upon the Afternoon & Evening of April 11th: Triplicane High Road Near Wallajah Mosque, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Just like India, when it rains, it comes in monsoon force. For over a week I've been unable to post much of anything because the damn internet here wouldn't upload any images except that of the blessed sadhu down there.  Tonight, it's blazing fast.  So, instead of just one image, I'll give you all a whole slew to make up for some lost bandwidth.

All of these pictures were taken on yesterday (Friday) afternoon and evening, and are presented chronologically. These are some of my friends and other folks on my street here in Madras, whom I see every day. 

[The shirt change is due to my having gone to the tailor, where I left that awesome orange shirt to be taken in a bit because it looks like a maternity smock on me..   ]


Eh, Namaste Toi là! Je t'aime!!

 Pray Lodge in this Unworthy Place..
I am back again in Chennai; which has nearly nothing to recommend it to a tourist, which is exactly what charms me about the place. It's just a great welter and tussle of honk hurtle haggle hassle honk Tamil love, heart and passion, and I simply adore it, being here.

The internet wilted with the burgeoning heat this past week, and I have repeatedly failed to get any of the images I've been trying to put up to post.. Tonight things are again miraculously abloom, and the wifi speed is actually quite impressive.  So while I am tired, and have laundry soaking upstairs to bother with before bed, I'll take the tide while it runs to the sea.. Two pictures tonight, I hope tomorrow I'll be able to queue up a whole lot more..


Monday, April 7, 2014

Here I Go, Takin' Pictures of the Navaho..

So, here there's this sadhu (hindu ascetic renunciate, who lives by begging) that I saw by the gate after mass.  He was pretty photogenic, so I naturally stole a bit of his soul with my Kodak click:

really nice beard, too..
