Thursday, February 24, 2011

On Desiring Christ's Possession

A few rudimentary thoughts:

First, to pray intentionally and intimately is the most beautiful thing you can do.

Second, praying like that is a grace. You must ask God for it.

Third, the goal of a Christian is to pray like that, and thereby seek to be possessed by God.

Just like the devil possesses, so too can Christ "possess." Christ's possession heals, beatifies, transfigures and frees, while the devil's counterfeit wounds, distorts, warps and enslaves.

A soul seeking to pray should beg Christ and the Holy Spirit to possess her.

This type of prayer is a hint of heaven, an intimation of paradise.

Paradise is entering into complete intimacy, becoming completely united with the Triune God, in a state of eternal rapture in which one is completely taken and possessed of the Trinity. In this the soul "is" worship, "is" prayer. The soul is mystically unified with and becomes like unto God himself.

You can taste an intimation of this by praying now, while God is still veiled in time.

There is no created thing that *we possess* that can do this, no other person. This means no created thing should be allowed to distract you from prayer. This is the point and meaning of ascesis and destroying the carnal passions which distract us from God, and too often become "idols," which to say ends sought in themselves for merely our own pleasure and exaltation.

If you think anything other than God will make you utterly happy in the way you want to be, you're confused and being tempted to idolatry.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God - union with him - with thy entire mind, soul and body.

All other merely physical needs and desires must be made subsequent, always subservient to your friendship and love of God.

Such necessary detachment is also a grace, also the fruit of prayer.

Ask, and ye shall receive.

Pray for love and in love, for humility and in humility, and you'll get it..

Try (taste) and see..


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