Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Missionaries of Charity, Antigua Guatemala, April, 2012


This is not that great of an image. Those nuns are amazingly spry and move extremely quickly, and my paltry skills in the moment failed me. The fact that I saw them at all (about a dozen of them all together, I really dropped the ball capturing that moment) nevertheless pleases me, and so I share his image with you.

The lack of recent posts is a breach of my commitment, here. I've meant to post daily. But I've been wrapped up in Spanish and not bringing my camera along as I ought these past four or five days, and too distracted by other things to write much. This wretched scandalous failure I heretofore vow to redress, my public. I recommence with this here blog tomorrow, with renewed vigor..


Location:8 Calle Oriente,Antigua Guatemala,Guatemala



1 comment:

  1. Not so wretched after all...
    Good to know you have things going on!!
