Sunday, March 10, 2013

Self Portrait: Aux Nuages Au Dessus La Piste, March 2013.

I've been meaning to write and post daily since the beginning of Lent, but have been a victim of demon sloth, as usual.  My one fragile excuse is that I have been skiing, reading my magnificat, saying my rosary and going to mass daily, with the exception of a few days this past week, when I took a break from all that discipline.  My ambition to write here, and elsewhere, has been too easily sloughed off as vanity, and needless self exhibition. But today, I re-embrace my croix doux..

(because even if it takes slight discipline, praying the hours and going to mass is actually almost a carnal pleasure for me these days.. I've even learnt how - or rather, have been granted and taught - to mediate on the rosary with pleasure - what used to be a chore to say even a decade, now I could easily say all the mysteries without pause or difficulty.  The key is realizing that all prayer is a grace, and asking for it.. Bit slow on the uptake, here.  But I have kind of gotten it, at last..)

And have decided that these coming few weeks I will finally post some of the things I've been gestating  and threatening to inflict on you all, my slight public, ever since I began this blog.

Tomorrow, I'll recommence by finishing my tale of Venezuela, of how my foray into that place went awry.  I didn't feel like writing about it all last fall when it happened, but now that Chavez passed this week, I thought I ought mark the occasion with the story of my misadventures in his country..

Alors, à demain.


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