Saturday, August 10, 2013

Song of the Day: I Never Seen a Miracle Like that Old Airport Up In Knock..

Did NATO donate the dough me boys, did NATO donate the dough?

Blogger's gotten all squirelly on YouTube, so if that won't play, perhaps then this will:

I actually think the airstrip is more suited to anti-sub warfare in the North Atlantic, especially seeing as how most of the planes that actually ended up taking Qaddafi out flew from Italy..

Still, a song particularly suited to marking my pilgrimage to.. ah, Knock.

Father Horan, from the information desk giftshop:

Poor Old Father Jim's Gone to the Airport in the Sky.. Yet the Msgr.'s Still Very Well Remembered.
And just to clarify, the next field while actually full of rocks, was still quite comfortable. I know because I slept in it.

And on the way back to Dublin we passed by the airport, and while I couldn't get off to take a proper shot of the runway, I did get this:

And it's 88,000 feet!
And that's all I've currently got about that old aerodrome up in Knock. Cheers.


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