Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pictures of the Day: Key West

Key West does have its appeal:

There's a pretty nice 1840's era fort (Fort Zachary Taylor, now a state park) that was an important bastion during the Civil War. It never fell to the Confederacy, and was an active military installation until after WW II. It has several hundred canon, since the place was too far away to make salvaging them for their iron feasible (which is what happened to most old canons):

One very cool thing that I really like about Key West is that there are chickens and roosters wandering free, all about. It's like what I imagine sacred cows must be like in India: just everywhere, doing their thing, being chickens and pretty much ignoring and ignored by people. I dug them, and wondered if the locals harvest their eggs. They must:

There are iguanas everywhere, too. The iguana is not native to Florida, being a Central and South American species that was brought here as pets and then released by their owners when they get too big. They are now considered a pest, since they have no natural predators here, and tend to eat a lot.. They can reach 6' in length, and are very cool looking, and surprisingly fast moving. I saw this guy at the fort this afternoon:

I've not been taking pictures of myself, really, so I took a couple inane random ones this afternoon. I've never worn sunglasses in my life, I've always disliked having anything on my face or occluding my sight.. But since I'm going blind and it's just so damn bright down here, I've caved. I wore goggles skiing this winter, too. New habits..

Self portraits:

Tomorrow, I'll pass through Miami again, and then start exploring the Everglades.


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