Monday, November 7, 2011

Oh, By the Way..

I'm sitting by my window which looks out over the bay here.  There's a public balcony immediately to the left of my room, and someone is out there smoking a jibber. It's wafting pretty hard into my room.  I'm pretty sure it's hash, not pot, from the smell.   Since everyone in this hotel seems to be either German or American, mostly 20 something, it seems that the kids have no compunction taking advantage of Mexico's recent legalization of possession of small amounts of everything from pot to heroine.

Since I've given up even tequila and mescal while here, and am just drinking a beer or two every night with dinner, I won't be joining them.  Still, I have to say that I like the law, a lot.  Decriminalize recreational use, make moderate possession and sale a misdemeanor or minor felony, and nail the the big guys hard..  

Another thing I forgot to mention was that Mexico City has a big gay scene, and that the Distrito Federale (analogous to D.C. in the States)  has also recently legalized "gay marriage" (none of the other 31 Mexican States have done so yet. Again, here's CBN on that) - Something I am "personally opposed" to, and find mildly disgusting (call me homophobic if you want, I don't care - but then, I'm pretty "anti- fornication" overall, anyway, being all Catholic and repressed and such..)  There was quite a bit of gay male PDA on the subway, for example, which surprised me.  Mexico's reputation for machismo aside, Mexican gay guys have no compunction boy-handling each other on the metro in Mexico City, because I saw no less than three gay couples in two days doing it with gusto, and people were ignoring them..  I've never seen that in the States.  But then, I don't do gay pride events, and while I've been to San Francisco many times, I can't remember ever seeing it there, even.. But then we gringos don't generally do PDA of any sort, do we?  

On a similar note, there was a woman sitting outside church yesterday at mass openly exposing her breast while breast-feeding her baby.  I thought that was both bizarre (in that it was equally unexpected) and awesome.  And no, I didn't stare at her, even though it was a beautiful thing..  And even though that is infinitely more sexy than two dudes pawing at each other.. Which unlike nursing a baby isn't in the technical sense about sex at all, if you want to be all biological and ontological and metaphysical about it.. 

Which I of course do.  LOL ;) and all that.  Cheers.


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