Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Como Siempre, Me Porte Como Quien Soy..

Okay, aside from the fact that in my last post I claimed it was the feast of Saint Dominic, when in fact his feast is not August 4th, but this coming Wednesday, August 8th ..

(an error due to my not checking the calender and thinking that the 4th of the month is always the feast of a cool and somehow important saint to me personally - see how October 4th is St. Francis, November 4th is St. Charles Borremeo (my patron), December 4th is St. John Damascus, January 4th is St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton, and August 4th, is um.. yeah, St. John Vianney.  Not Dominic.. Uh.  That's what lack of due dilgence born of laziness gets you..  I ought take this opportunity and write up one of my many cuentas de los domini canes.. But I wouldn't want to fall prey to overweening blogger ambition or anything.. )

I have to say that while I have been busy with a dozen different things, in addition to my taking full advantage of the shrine here - I've been to confession, mass daily, and have spent a bit of time there praying - I have yet to really sit down and crank out the finished essays I have been gestating here.  One of the things I have been doing these past two days is organizing my computer and hard drives (3 of them, nearly a terrabite of data) so that I know where everything is, and everything is hopping and popping the way it ought to softwarewise..  Major aspect of this is my photo and video library, nearly a decade's worth of accumulated material scattered everywhere, with duplicates and multiple caches and libraries - a total nightmare.  I have excellent software to help me address all the various gnarly issues, but it still takes a while to run it all.   Over 300G of images takes a while to process, vet, rename and properly organize, see..

When I have finished, say sometime tomorrow,  I will have a mother load of material ready to deploy.  And I fully intend to lay it on you, my dear public.   Even if there are only a dozen of you out there that may care, I am committed.  I will not disappoint.  

At the moment however, my main library is being sorted for duplicates, and I cannot touch it.  So the grand illustrated meditation on my sojourn in Guatemala that I am preparing will have to wait until tomorrow evening. 

As a sop for your ravening curiosity though, I give you this wee appetizer.  The most interesting of all possible subjects, a picture of myself before the basilica here in Esquipulas.  As I say, more coming right soon.  Enjoy:

Soy asi, me porte como quien soy.



  1. Qué vagabundo... jaja. :) Pienso que tu foto es muy cuco. Divertirse, amigo.

  2. Nikki, coco is a new word for me. You're further augmenting my gently burgeoning vocabulary here, thanks for that. y no te preocupes, me voy divertirme.

  3. finally proof it's you and not a ghost writer ;)
