Friday, August 17, 2012

Into El Salvador

Today I finally did something I have been meaning to do all this week.  I took the minibus on the hour long 30Q roundtrip ride up to the Salvadoran border, and walked across for 15 minutes.  You know, just to say I've been there.  (That's one more country to my list Mr. Coady!)  Unfortunately, because of the CA4 customs agreement, I entered on my Guatemalan visa, and got no nifty Salvadoran stamp for my passport, even though I asked very nicely, por un recuerdo, you know?  But they are rigid bureaucrats there, and refused me.  But they stamped me out and back in on the Guatemalan side, which is almost as good..  

The minibus driver on the way back drove like a bat out o' hell, which drove me nuts - he'd take sharp corners going at least twice as fast as my old man nerves could handle.  It began to rain, and whenever he stopped to pick a new passenger up (they pick anyone who hails them down along the way up) he'd slam on the breaks unnecessarily stressing both his stupid van and my heart simultaneously.  I was sure one or both would give out before we got home here, in a blur of hydroplane wipeout ending with us careening violently into one of the many stream gorges by the way, but we somehow all survived. 

I'll just add that I am oddly wearing the same damn clothes in this image as I was in the last I posted of myself.  That's because I only have three sets of clothes in rotation here (well packed, or something thereabouts.. clotheswise, anyway) and I had my laundry done the other day..  Just thought I'd call unecessary attention to that fact.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Como Siempre, Me Porte Como Quien Soy..

Okay, aside from the fact that in my last post I claimed it was the feast of Saint Dominic, when in fact his feast is not August 4th, but this coming Wednesday, August 8th ..

(an error due to my not checking the calender and thinking that the 4th of the month is always the feast of a cool and somehow important saint to me personally - see how October 4th is St. Francis, November 4th is St. Charles Borremeo (my patron), December 4th is St. John Damascus, January 4th is St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton, and August 4th, is um.. yeah, St. John Vianney.  Not Dominic.. Uh.  That's what lack of due dilgence born of laziness gets you..  I ought take this opportunity and write up one of my many cuentas de los domini canes.. But I wouldn't want to fall prey to overweening blogger ambition or anything.. )

I have to say that while I have been busy with a dozen different things, in addition to my taking full advantage of the shrine here - I've been to confession, mass daily, and have spent a bit of time there praying - I have yet to really sit down and crank out the finished essays I have been gestating here.  One of the things I have been doing these past two days is organizing my computer and hard drives (3 of them, nearly a terrabite of data) so that I know where everything is, and everything is hopping and popping the way it ought to softwarewise..  Major aspect of this is my photo and video library, nearly a decade's worth of accumulated material scattered everywhere, with duplicates and multiple caches and libraries - a total nightmare.  I have excellent software to help me address all the various gnarly issues, but it still takes a while to run it all.   Over 300G of images takes a while to process, vet, rename and properly organize, see..

When I have finished, say sometime tomorrow,  I will have a mother load of material ready to deploy.  And I fully intend to lay it on you, my dear public.   Even if there are only a dozen of you out there that may care, I am committed.  I will not disappoint.  

At the moment however, my main library is being sorted for duplicates, and I cannot touch it.  So the grand illustrated meditation on my sojourn in Guatemala that I am preparing will have to wait until tomorrow evening. 

As a sop for your ravening curiosity though, I give you this wee appetizer.  The most interesting of all possible subjects, a picture of myself before the basilica here in Esquipulas.  As I say, more coming right soon.  Enjoy:

Soy asi, me porte como quien soy.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cuentas de los Perros del Señor.. Que Viene Muy Pronto..

Today is the Feast of Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Order of Preachers.  And thus it is one of my feasts, as I am by my association with Providence College a friend and disciple of the Fathers. 

I have a few stories to tell of that relationship, one of them of the afternoon I spent at the House of Studies in DC on this very day several years back.. But not tonight.  For while I am no longer in Antigua, I am still in Guatemala.  I have resolved to begin writing in earnest when I am finally free of this amazing country and her people, whom have given me occasion for a deep retreat these last few months.  The retreat comes to its end this week, and now I shall be bent on adventure, exploits and great feats.. of blogging, at the very least.

So, I've come to the national shrine here at Esquipulas for one last long weekend before crossing south into Honduras, Tuesday.  I will post a few final thoughts on Guate before then.  When I am in Honduras, I intend to write much more, and about many multifarious things..

Tonight, though, I am tired and have only in me to beg Saint Dominic's intercession, and bid you all dulces sueños, que sueñes con los santos ..


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Upon the Votive by Our Door

I have yet to describe or comment much upon the habits and customs of our house here, owing defense due the privacy of my own.  Tonight I invade this near silence sharing this lone image, of the shrine near our front door.

After dinner (circa 8 o'clock) the lights in the common areas go off.  There is little spare income for electricity here, you see.  

The lone light you see when you come through our front entrance after dinner is a votive candle illuminating two icons, those of Our Ladies of Guadalupe and Fatima:

Stuck in the corner, almost out of sight, but with flowers before them.  

I, of course, like and approve this custom very much.   It is yet one more of many things that makes me feel well and at home here.  

Our Ladies of Guadalupe and Fatima pray for us, and bless our homes.  Ruega por nosotros Virgencita. 


8 Calle Oriente,Antigua Guatemala,Guatemala

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Personal Note, July 17th 2012

Today, while I was walking home from the Bodegona, I noticed that I was smelling things very subtly.

Or, rather, much more subtly than I have for years.

I quit smoking almost three years ago in Medjugorje. The first week of September, 2009.

People can say what they want about the apparitions there. I know a lot of people have judged them to be false. Maybe so. All I can say is that of all the major Marian shrines I have made pilgrimage to (including Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe) Medjugorge is my favorite. It is beautiful there, a little village with a humble church nestled between two Bosnian hills... The place, like all great shrines, is overrun with pilgrims, and the lines for confession there are the longest I have ever seen. Dozens of priests in dozens of languages, lines of hundreds of penitents at every hour of the day.

If the apparitions are false, then that is odd fruit.

I know nothing about the apparitions or the seers. I can only say Medjugorje is amazing, a powerful place. One that I had a strong sense of forboding at, a sense of premonition like I have only felt a few times before. A sense that has always been followed by some consumation. I was very impressed, and was changed somehow.

I smoked my last cigarette there, the morning I hailed a cab away to Dubrovnik. I have not smoked since.

It's funny how I used to love to smoke - I never was a regular smoker, often going weeks without smoking at all. I never felt it as an addiction. I did it with friends, and almost always with good tobacco. As a social act, smoking is sublime. Drinks and a couple bowls in the pipe.. When it is a deliberate, conscious act, and you are paying attention, smoking can be one of the finest pleasures on earth. I often felt the hobbit, you see. It was good..

But not good enough.

The problem is that we all too often do it - like we too often live, eat and work - mindlessly, mechanically. So when I began to start to smoke more often, sometimes a half pack a day for strings of days - and when I began to roll cigarettes with the Frenchmen in Bourguillon, and began to become a full blown smoker, well..

I knew I had to stop, for good.

For while one in ten smokes is sublime, the negative consequences to the body are vast. One of the worst is that you lose most of your sense of smell. And when you quit, it doesn't immediately return. Your body takes years to recover from the abuse..

Years. As I say, it's been almost three now. This past year ambient tobacco smoke has begun to really annoy me. I am thankfully now a re-confirmed as a non-smoker. And now abruptly, just today, I seem to have suddenly recouped some of my long lost sensitivity. Maybe not all what once had as a child, but a stiff modicum of it. I suddenly noticed I was smelling things like I haven't in years.

It was mildly religious, in that I became plutot vif, quickened, slightly ecstatic. The world again leapt with forgotten vibrancy and texture.

Every thing vibrates with sense and poignancy. We are as open nerves receiving the vibration of creation's song; the light, the sound, the scent, the taste..

Taste and see..

How things are good: Gratias Tibi Beata Mater Maria,Virgo et Regina.

Anyhow, I have been in a mild funk these past two weeks, and have left this here blog aside. This week is my last in Guate. A frame shift is coming, and as it happens I think the blog here shall become rather more fecund. I think that I've shed the extraneous attention that I once may have had, and that anyone still following this has merited the grace of my pearls.. Such as they may be..

So they shall be strewn for your collective delectation, my dear public. I begin to write.

Tonight I write merely to tell you that I can smell. Deo gratias. Ay, Just thought you'd like to know.
