Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paging Herr Doktor Jung..

So, I just took a nap. I had this dream:

I'm a sailor. I'm on an aircraft carrier deck with Dan Smith. I'm pointing out the weapon tubes to him. There are eight all together in two rows of four, all closed tubes vertically embedded in a lower deck we're looking down upon. Two torpedoes (vertically aligned in the deck - I don't think this makes sense), four tactical surface to surface and surface to air missiles, two nuclear ballistic.. Or something like that. The details are a bit hazy now, but they were very clear in the dream, because I was telling Dan all about it. He wants to go down to look at them closely. We do, and he decides to go walk over next to them, which he's not supposed to.. If you've been in the military, you'll know that they love to make places taboo to walk upon. Do not walk on the lawn. Do not cross that parking lot. Do not step outside that line. If you do, and we catch you..

Well Dan does it. He walks where thou shalt not walk. I get all panicked, and start calling to him to come back, before someone notices and we get in trouble. He either can't hear me, or is ignoring me. Sure enough, a female NCO (one of the older relics, probably an E-9 or something - which to me is big trouble, getting noticed in flagrante delicto by such a near nueter demi-godesse) sees him from above, and comes down full of wrath. Dan casually walks back over and talks to her. She calms down, and smiles. I realize we're going to get away without me getting punished, which is a relief.

We go inside the ship. Other things happen, which I cannot remember, really. I think Dan buys me a notebook. One that I've already written in. He goes away, and I go into this auditorium. It's dark. But I can see a short girl with shoulder length brown hair and a purple tie dye shirt and gym shorts running manically in circles around the small circle at the head of a basketball foul shooting rectangle. I laugh, because it's ridiculous, and turn to leave. The girl calls out to me to hold the door, but in a way that makes it pretty clear that she likes me. Likes me, likes me. You know what I mean. The girl runs over, and I see that it's Ellen Paige. She's shorter than I thought she'd be, and that's pretty short. She's like a hobbit. We leave the room, and I make fun of her. I immediately get a bad conscience, because it feels cruel. It strikes me as hugely strange that I am making fun of this girl that I have had a crush on (I mean, Ellen Paige, who hasn't, you know?) .. It turns out she likes me, and here I am making fun of her in a mean way. It's such an inversion of my previously conceived cosmic power relations that I get confused. Ellen leaves, and I start looking for her to apologize. I have two of her costumes. I catch sight of her through the window of a house on a hill. It's dark out, but the lights are on inside. She's made up like a clown, but she's wearing a Bella Lugosi vampire costume. This strikes me as hugely transgressive. I sneak up, knock on the door, and leave the costumes. I hide, she comes to the door, finds the costumes and takes them inside. She's happy. I'm forlorn.

Dream ends. I wake up. I lay there wondering about how Dan Smith (a guy I liked and admired from high school, and a Mormon, but someone I haven't seen in twenty years or thought about in a while) ended up in my dream.. And Ellen. The actress from Juno and Hard Candy dressed as a vampire clown.

I've clearly got issues. It's obvious in the numerology..


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