Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Three Choice Clips on Libya

This clip from a few weeks ago, struck me as interesting and amusing. It shows some books discovered in Qadaffi's rooms at a palace captured by rebels. It seems old wacky Muammar has a thing for the occult:

From right as the camera pans, there is a copy of the Talmud, a text on the Kabbala, a book entitled "Alliance of Satan." Second upper row, from left there is a book on the number 23 in Jewish esoteric tradition, another Kabbalistic text (I think) whose title I can't be bothered to translate, and lastly a book on spirits and ghosts.

Then, I offer you all this beautiful tidbit: here a former CIA analyst named Micheal Scheuer calls a spade a spade and throws the feral fembot newsdroids at CNN into a hideous tizzy:

Mr. Scheuer: "Both parties love to intervene in other peoples' business where there are no U.S. interests at stake and spend huge amounts of money at a time we are nearly bankrupt. That doesn't seem to me to be a wise practice of American statesmanship.." Fembot CNN Newsdroid: "The economy and the war are separate issues.." Scheuer: "They're not separate issues, you're just carrying water for Obama."

Then, because that's all so crazy, I thought I'd knock it up another notch on the batshit nutty scale just for laughs.. Check out this:

كلام الحكم من معمر القذافي المجنون

زنقة زنقة , شبر شبر شبر , دار دار , بيت بيت , الثورة الثورة

Ah, yes. You want to know what I think about the Middle East? Given our ongoing and apparent insatiable need to fuck with and infuriate Muslims, I think anyone who is sane will keep as far away from that place as possible. Given that crazy is the new sane, I expect Americans to still keep banging the war gong while stuffing as many orifices as possible with plastic wrapped dingdongs of one form or another.

At some point they may bring back the draft, and then you'll start paying attention.

Then it'll be personal again, and probably way too fucking late.


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