Sunday, August 7, 2011

Enola Gay, Are You Proud of Your Little Boy Today?

This is from Daniel Larison at Caelum & Terra, posted today.  I quote it in full because I want to second everything he says there :




    I am so hurt.

  2. No. I should be careful to make everything super explicit, shouldn't I?

    Hmm. Or maybe I should just tease you and give you a D in reading comp..

    As for the Mitten (saw your IM where you called it that a few hours after you sent it, and it amused and pleased me. Poetic, and perfect, something I've always thought myself but never actually said.. ) next time I'm there, you will definitely get visit Nikki. I'm not going to visit your home without stopping by.

    Aside: Michigan is the only part of the Mid-West (apart from Chicago and Wisconsin and Minnesota, if those are to be considered Mid- Western) that I have any interest in. Ohio and lower Illinois are anterooms of Purgatory as far as I'm concerned. There's something about Michigan though that is distinct, and the UP has always called my name.. I may have to make a pilgrimage to see it, soon. When I do Nikki, you're on the itinerary, so no worries. There's definitely a cup or two of coffee, if not more, that we'll have to share.

  3. Oh, balls. I was going 65 down the highway with my windows down, jamming to a banjo solo in the middle of one of my favorite songs, and I thought: Charlie was quoting that dude from Caelum et Terra. EFF.

    I logged on to rectify my error as soon as I got here, and you'd already seen it... sigh.

    Anyway, the yoop is a beautiful place. It should definitely be on your must-see list!

  4. Shocking behavior, Nik. For shame, not naming the song.
