Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Nomad Song


I thought I was moving but my legs were broken,
Words were coming out but they were left unspoken..
Maybe I was dreaming in my head, in my head.

Memories were noted but I hadn't lived them,
Swords were on my heart but I had long forgived them..
Funny how the hurtful voices seem to slip away.


Where am I now?
I don't know how
I wound up in this place again.
How am I now?
Just bringing me down.
I'm looking for a house where the door is open,
My body's moving fast but my spirit's broken..
Where am I now?

Oh, anytime you break and turn the cycles change.
Water starts pouring down your face again,
You find yourself falling in the safety net you used to call home.

When you focus all your little thoughts and troubles
To the place of clear and cloudy clouds that rumble,
Standing in a field of open avenues with no place to go..


Ah, my lips are set and parted but my head is empty,
I try to spit it out but it won't exempt me
From feeling like it's out in the open said and done.

Telling's just talking that turns into speeches,
Doesn't aid the body with the hand that reaches..
Stumble in the void to find there's no one there.



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