Friday, May 6, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead: Mr. Obama Rules.

I've just had a moment of clarity.

Tonight, in the car, I realized that I really like Barack Obama. The dude's not perfect (who is?) but he's got his crap together. He hasn't made me despise him once in three years. He never makes an ass out himself, he hardly ever says anything that I know is a bald bullshit lie, he rarely grandstands. He's clearly clever, he can speak English, and he doesn't brag. Unlike Clinton or Dubya, I often go weeks without hearing anything at all about him. Bush and Clinton were constantly embarrassing us, constantly making fools out of themselves, making the country look like a trailer-trash soap opera carnival.

I mean, Clinton is very smart, and (scandals aside) governed well. But he gave the seditious jackasses on the right too many ways to embarrass him, and us. That Whitewater was a huge exercise in national hypocrisy (the savings and loan debacle was a bipartisan disgrace, and very likely involved far more Republican graft than Democratic.. The Bush family - Neil Bush especially - was smack in the middle of it for sure) and the spooge on the dress and the serial perjury was just.. well. Thank God it's over.

Obama though, he's Cool Hand Luke crossed with Shaft. They can't touch him. When they try, they look totally foolish, like the loony rabid gibbering dunces they are. The birther controversy is just classic. Feral horde of mouth breathing thugs.

Just shut the fuck up, already, and let the man govern the country.

I was listening to this hick representative from Georgia talking about how he wanted to de-fund Planned Parenthood tonight on the radio. I was like, yeah dude, I think that's like the only thing you and I agree on. 'Cause didn't you also just vote to extend subsidies to oil companies, while further deregulating off shore drilling this week (like every other member of the House Republican caucus) Aren't you also probably with Boner (or is it Boehner?) on de-funding NPR..?

Uh, what am I supposed to say? You (a "free market" "fiscal conservative?") want federal money to go to BP and the Standard Oil cartel, but not Fresh Air and Morning Edition?

Doesn't that just sum the utter cretinous hypocritical stupidity of the Republican Party right up.

Numb fucks. Excuse my French, but the Rebuttheadlickans are simply a disgrace. A clear and present danger to the health and solvency of the Republic.

Every time I have a foreign friend visit me, and they hear Public Radio (and if they travel in the car with me, they always do) they are always impressed. This is American radio? I'm like, yeah, isn't it awesome?

I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I can listen to Diane Rehm and Talk of the Nation, you see.

Here's the thing: if the election were this week, I think I'd vote for president for the first time in my life. I'd cast my vote for Barack Obama. I disagree with him on abortion, but that issue is clearly meaningless, in that the Rebuttheadlickans will never do anything substantial to change the status quo. It's politically null.

The only downside to Obama so far is that he's not the real deal: the retarded right is calling him a "socialist" when he's really not. He's really just Bush lite.

I want some hardcore socialism. Some serious anti-libertarian paternalism in government.

I want higher taxes for those making more than 100k per annum. Higher capital gains and estate taxes.

More regulation of markets, but especially oil, banking and financial services.

The bankers and investors who defrauded us recently need to prosecuted vigorously.

I want universal health care, on either the Swiss/German model, or else the French/Italian one. I want the insurance company cartel destroyed, and forced to insure everyone, and compete with one another in every state, at the very least. I want every American to be able to buy into Medicare, regardless of age or health.

I want our markets protected, and tariffs raised. I want reasonable rules that require any company doing business here to hire American labor at a living wage.

We need a guaranteed living wage on a 40 hour week. Profits that aren't re-invested in the business should largely go to labor.

I want the social safety net maintained and extended. No one - especially no child or anyone mentally ill - should be homeless.

Money isn't speech, and K Street needs to be abolished. Political contributions should be eliminated. We need public funding of campaigns.

Nor is porn speech, pornographers should be vigorously prosecuted .. (I think abortion doctors should be prosecuted too, but only in states that legislate such prosecution.)

We should serendipitously all have a mandated 2 hour siesta at lunchtime. Every Catholic holy day of obligation should also be a national holiday. We should return to the old (pre- Pius X) calender of Feasts of Precept, which name 36 not just 10 or 8 as feasts of obligation, and those feasts should never be translated to Sundays, but left where they fall in the week.

There, that's my political platform. Mr. Obama, I invite you to be my champion.

Anyway, I'm registering as a Democrat and joining Democrats for Life when I register in Vermont this summer.

I'll conclude by reiterating for the record that I despise George Dubya Bush. Not having to listen to him these last few years has been therapeutic.

His smirking simian frat-boy thuggery was an utter disgrace and embarrassment.

I heard he stood the President up today, and refused to appear publicly with him in New York.

Just what I'd expect from a warmogering draft-dodging chickenhawk preppy.


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