Monday, May 2, 2011

A Proud Day to be an American, etc.

I realized something today. This is now officially the second time in my life that I've gone on a McDonald's binge. The first, which I think I mentioned earlier here on the blog, was when I was in Cairo, and finally got fed up with the place.

I found myself this afternoon eating at McDonald's for the fifth day in a row.. Ten days in the last two weeks.

There was nothing else that I wanted to eat, other than a ranch BLT grilled chicken sandwich and a couple salads with balsamic vinaigrette.

As I sat down, I heard some people speaking thick Vermont redneck, saying "we finally got the bastard.." I turn, and there there are three absurdly fat Vermonters examining a copy of the Burlington Free Press, the banner headline "Osama Bin Laden Dead."

No way. Really. Finally.

I remember how we drew a red target on Osama's face, and used it as the sceensaver on our computer in our classroom at DLI..

The fat people were reading the story, talking about it in loud tones:

"Two faced Pakistani bastards, we should go in there and slap 'em all good and hard on both faces.."

Yeah, buddy. "We" should definitely do that. You and Seal Team 6. You guys go in. I'll sit here and drink McDonald's espresso, and read about it in the Burlington Free Press.. Know I'm rooting for you all.

You can slap them on one cheek, and then get them to turn the other one. Proper Christian manner of treating Muslims.

I grabbed the paper after they left, and read the story. It's no surprise the newspaper business is dying, the story was a load of crap. They obviously had had no information when they went to press, spent several columns rehashing the events of 9/11 ("three planes hit their targets..")

I was, however, pleased to see that my prediction came out correct: Osama was not in fact in the tribal areas on the Afghan border, but rather in a compound in the heart of the Pakistani power elite's territory. Down the road from their military academy, in a neighborhood with rich and powerful Paki neighbors. I'd said that I believed he was hiding in a well appointed basement somewhere in Riyadh or Islamabad, protected by the ISI and Saudi establishment, and I was exactly right.

The CIA and our own elite are deep in bed with all of those people, by the way. People like the Bushes and all their Carlyle Group buddies are in alliance with them, the worst and nastiest.

That is just to say that the hunt for Osama - now "successful" - was in essence a shadow boxing charade.

That they killed him instead of taking him hostage and putting him on trial is par for the course. Shot him in the head, meaning that there will be no photo of his corpse in the press. Buried his body at sea, within 24 hours.. Putatively because they're so sensitive to Muslim religious sensibilities that dictate early burial.. But with the effect that his remains are now gone, beyond all but the most forensic of propaganda.. Having him in custody would be dangerous, see. An open criminal trial with a public defense was the last thing our elite wants. They need all the events of that once upon a time September day to remain shrouded in confusion and secrecy, because at the very least they failed in their essential charge of defending the country. At worse, they were complicit.

Their great abdication of all accountability - in which the bastards who fail are promoted, and thieves are given bonuses even as they drive their corporations and our economy into the ground - is the true ethos of capitalism.

The cartel must at all costs protect itself.

The rich get richer, the commander is always promoted.

And the American hoi palloi chant USA! USA! and scream that the government is evil even as they drape themselves in the stars and bars while falling into masturbatory raptures over the military.

I think I'll eat at McDonald's again, tonight..


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